Islamic Studies : Building Student Character in The University

 Islamic Studies

Building Student Character in The University

Penulis : Samsuriyanto, S.Kom.I.,M.Sos., Drs. H. Wahyuddin, M.EI., Drs. Zainul Muhibbin, M.Fil.I., Drs. H. Moh. Saifulloh, M.Fil.I. Dr. H. Choirul Mahfud, M.Pd.I., Dr. Sukamto, M.E.I., Syarifuddin, S.Th.I, M.Th.I., H., Miqdarul Khoir Syarofit., Lc., M.Pd.

Editor : Samsuriyanto, S.Kom.I.,M.Sos.

ISBN : -

In the era of the Industrial revolution 4.0,

industrial progress as a consequence of modernization

and globalization has demanded the Islamic

community to know science and technology.

Sometimes, these demands will in turn drag people

into a worldly lifestyle which results in the loss of the

essential meaning of life by ignoring human values and

divine values. To anticipate the negative impacts of

advances in science and technology and the pace of

modernization in the era of the industrial revolution

4.0 which is so fast, mankind must immediately realize

and fortify themselves with the basic abilities that

every individual must possess. The ability to

understand and interpret the essential values that exist

in him as a creature of God. In the world of education,

this ability is pursued through a form of an educational

program called general education, including Islamic
